Sunday, May 22

We're Back

Yes, we've been back for almost a week.

No, I'm not about to extrapolate on why we haven't been able to get to the computer and type things.

Yes, our newlyweddedness is great.

No, we're not getting much done.

Yes, if we were used as a rule for 'How Couples Behave When Newly Married', the list might include, 'A General Refusal to Do Anything Resembling Unpack or Blog'.

No, I don't know when the blogging will become more regular.

Yes, I am the happiest girl in the whole wide world.

No, you may not comment on the use of my husband's ass in one of these pictures.

Yes, I would like some comments.


Jess said...

While enjoying some wedding photos in the Lou, I laughed myself silly at the sight of B's man ass.

I'm so glad that things were as beautiful as they were. Hooray for you both!

Larry said...

great pictures. congrats on to the both of ya.

if i ever get married again that is how i am gonna do it. as few people as possible in a beautiful place. no pressure, no gladhanding, just love and relaxation.

bein in springfield. have you ever heard of a band call 8th plague?

SJ said...

glad you're back and the happiest girl in the world. It's fitting for you, Sunny. :)

Sunny said...

Thanks guys, it's all been great. Almost as good is having so many people wishing me well and so forth.

SJ, when we went through Alabama, I totally thought of you!