Or Rather: What to Buy When Your Husband Gets a Free Gift Certificate From Amazon
Or: Books You Never Realized Were Actual Books, Because if You Had, You'd Have Read Them by Now.
Or: I Didn't Actually Get These Books, I Found Them After Buying the First Two Discworld Novels by Terry Pratchett.
Here are some books you should buy. If you don't want to buy them, that's fine with me, because for the most part, I'm putting them here for my own personal reference. Should I ever again happen across $75.00 in Amazon
The Princess Bride
The Neverending Story
PS: My first love-affair quality book was "The Rabbit is Next", and the only description I could find online reads: "Delightful story of Jenny and her pet rabbit, Bradley who had a hurt ear. A trip to the animal doctor revealed many other pets there needing help-cat; dog, monkey; hamster; turtle, etc. Finally Jenny got to see the doctor who examined and fixed " this very unusual case!" Pages tight; some page wear; some markings on few pages; yellow glossy cover with illustration of girl sitting watching dog, cat, and monkey chasing each other", which is everything I remember about the book. It appeals to that little girl who still lives inside me, the one who sleeps with all of her stuffed animals, because she doesn't want any of them to feel neglected.
My second love-affair quality book was Charlotte's Web, possibly because my Grandpa had a pig farm and I was very attached to his pigs.
I read The Celery Stalks at Midnight, and remember thinking that there must be more to the story. The Celery Stalks at Midnight
What books did you read and love as a youngster? Which books do you wish you would have read? What books do you recommend to other people? I love hearing stories about books, don't be shy!
The girl with silver eyes - this book was a much better version of the movie Matilda. I'm all about Bunnicula. That book cracked me up. I was also very into Goosebump books as a kid. I wonder if R.L. Stine is still making more of those. I also really loved the Indiana Jones series -- I would highly suggest them if you liked the movies. The plotlines are completely different and much more developed.
Young Books:
Bunnicula, Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library, Superfudge, How to Rent a 5th Grader, The Boxcar Children
Not So Young Books:
Remember Me, Scavenger Hunt, Mrs. Mike, Tiger Eyes
If you ever want to talk books, I'm game. I love them to the point of owning waaaaay too many.
Yay for the Boxcar Children! I loved that series as a kid. I also read every horsey book I could get my hands on (the Saddle Club and Thoroughbred series especially).
I also noticed the Dead Like Me: Season Two on the sidebar. Great show.
As far as books: I just finished reading an intriguing book about the 'historical Jesus' and the search for archaeological evidence of his and his family's existence in a book called 'The Jesus Dynasty'. I also recommend any book by Harry Turtledove, who write some of the best alternate history out there.
When I was younger, I loved any book by Isaac Asimov, anything by C.S. Lewis, and I read a lot of the Dune series as I got a little older. (the new sequel, 'Hunters of Dune',btw, is fantastic). I also enjoyed 'Watership Down'
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