Wednesday, September 6

Log Cabins (Or to be PC, Log Homes)

I think I have fully converted Bruce to the idea of life in the north 
country.  We were talking through the hole today (remind me to 
show you pictures of the hole),and started discussing log cabins.  
My great-grandpa planted forty acres of his farmland with white pines,
somehow knowing that it would be profitable and useful to future 
generations.  I'd brought this up to Bruce in the past, but it hadn't 
really sunk in until tonight.  

Lisa came over this afternoon to watch Days (of our Lives), and 
instead of bringing my long-forgotten knitting book, she brought 
two real estate magazines featuring properties from northeastern 
Wisconsin.  For some reason, after she left, Bruce sparked a 
conversation about building a log cabin (home) up here, and how 
much money we would save by providing the logs.  It's really a 
fantastic idea, and I've always thought about it - not in a realistic 
sense, but in a "Maybe, someday..." sense.  We were looking at 
some log cabins (homes) and their websites tonight, and a few of 
the designs really struck our fancy:

Of course, I would like to take full credit for this transformation, but I can't. He did it on his own. Wish us luck!

PS: If any of our dear friends wished to build a log cabin (HOME) nearby, we would happily share our secrets with you in order to live near our friends. We would also probably give you a discount on the wood, if you promised to plant equal numbers as you harvested.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Always wanted to live in a log cabin (home). I think they're beautiful. I'd gladly come visit you in your log cabin (home) whenever I could.