Thursday, February 10


I wanted the people who might come to my site to read that email I sent to him, and I'd hoped to get some comments on it. I wanted to know if it was good, if it was irritable, or if it was simply too insincere to be considered.

I guess I got my answer with the email that came the next day. It was an email sent to the person I was 5 years ago. It wasn't fair, knowing myself how I know me, but it wasn't unfair, coming from someone who last knew me 5 years ago. I can say without a doubt, however, that I have changed completely from who I was at 19. Can any of you say otherwise?


Jay said...

I think I'm the same person, but my circumstances are very different, so that changes your priorities, and your values in can't ever go back. Life changes you.

Anonymous said...

STFU! I sooooooo discovered dooce before you!

Blue944 said...

I think you are right on the money...people really change between the age of 18 and 25. It is the reason people should not get married until after they turn 25. Although I do not believe our core beliefs change much over time, with maturity comes change in your outlook on life...maybe you need to wait until he matures a little. Boys can be a little slow at these things.

Remember not to sweat the little shit...and that it is all little shit.