Thursday, September 29

Livin' the Life I Wa-ant!

I had a dream last night that my hair was so dirty and unwashed that it formed into dredlocks. I kept thinking, "But it's only been two days!"

[and she went directly to the shower after waking, with no moaning]

I had a lot of other things that were really amusing or funny to say, but then they got drowned out by knowing that Bruce got a job! It only took my awesome husband five days to get a job after being fired on Friday.

Needless to say, that's part of what's been making me depressed lately. And it's all gone! Yay!

In about a half-hour, we're going to take an inside-look at a rental house we're mega-interested in. Not only does it have more bedrooms than we could possibly use, it's also got a backyard! With a tree! And a shrub! And (best of all!) a privacy fence!

Bruce says that if we get a fenced yard, there's no reason we can't get a puppy. That's reason enough for me.

Also, I stole a coffee cup from work a few weeks ago, and forgot to tell you all about it. It's got VioxxTM's logo on it. (And we all know about Vioxx, right?) Later that day, I also found (and stole) a pen with the ValtrexTM logo all over it. ("Livin' the Life I Wa-ant!")


Byagi said...

I'd say it was quite a turnaround from the firation to the hiring of me for the new job. All in all, not too bad.

Nobody said...

Realtor Crits advises to consider buying! Great Buyer's Market right now, girl. Great deals. =)

As long as cred is decent, several no money down options!!!

Ok, I am done now =)

Have a great weekend!!!! Crits

Jess said...

Fired? What? I'm so totally out of the loop. But I am totally happy that it only took 5 days to land other employment. Hooray for that.

Byagi said...

All in all it was a whirlwind of employment/unemployment. I forgot how much fun (and stress)getting the boot can bring.