Friday, September 9


Please click on the link and read the whole post before you comment. Remember that more people than you could count know how this feels. More people than anyone could imagine. Right here in our US of A. This is what being poor feels like.

Whatever: Being Poor:
"Being poor is people who have never been poor wondering why you choose to be so.
Being poor is knowing how hard it is to stop being poor.
Being poor is seeing how few options you have.
Being poor is running in place.
Being poor is people wondering why you didn't leave. "


Unknown said...

My sidekick says he was once so poor he had to eat stuffing for 7 days, when that ran out he ate old corn flakes with water on it for 2 days, then when that ran out, well it ran out for awhile and things got desperate for awhile. Then he luckily got a job and only had to wait 2 weeks for his first paycheck.

Yikes. I can't imagine being there for years and years, I just can't imagine, being a dog that gets square meals every day of my life.

Though if I was a dog back then, I'm sure he would've shared his stuffing and corn flakes and water with me.

Have you ever been poor Sunny? Sounds like you have a lot of empathy for folks that don't have it so good. And that is a special thing to have these days, so many people just pretend it's not there.


Sunny said...

To be honest, I've never been poor enough to call myself poor. Never. I've been so lucky. But I do know some people who have been poor. I know some people who have lived through it and risen above it, and I know how hard it is.

I guess the way I figure it is, how can I judge someone who's place I've never been in? Who's place I've been so lucky to never have been in?

Sunny said...

PS: And you seem to have a lot of empathy for humans, too. Especially considering you're a (beautiful collie-type) canine.

Anonymous said...

I just read the article about being poor, and instead of emailing you my thoughts, Sarah, I'll post them for all to see. Aside from the bad schools, I have to say I identified with every word in there. It didn't make me cry or put me in a bad mood like you thought it might, though...not because it wasn't sad, but because I spent the majority of my life being sad about it already. I'm okay now, and so far from that place. The sad part though, is seeing the people who are currently going through it, like our good friend Sammie, who somehow knows how to make the best of everything. All I can say, is if you can't help someone to get out of that terrible situation with $$$, please try to understand that they aren't being antisocial when they refuse an offer to go out shopping with you, and they probably are not psychotic just because they burst into tears for what seems like no reason. It is an awful place to be, and every word in that article is true. And yes, "Sunny" does have a lot of empathy for folks who do not have it so good. If it weren't for her inviting me over after school, I may not have had supper many nights...and if she didn't waste her gas money giving me rides home from work, I would have lost my job, and my lights would have been shut off. She has been a true friend for many years.