Thursday, January 6

New Noises

  • Soft snoring (would be "snoring", but for the copious amounts of snoring that occured before the arrival of the baby).
  • Mrraaaw, Meeeeeeer, Meeeeeeeeyow, Mee-meeee-meeeeeer
  • That god-awful roar that happens when the rolly-chair rollies over a kitty's foot.
  • Purrring.
  • Itty bitty grunts over the litter box. Mr. Man wants so bad to make Mama happy and poo for her that he just can't help but push. And we all know that pushing means grunting.

There are more, but this is the major part of them. I feel terrible for the rolly-chair incident. How was I supposed to know that kittens travelled the Speed Of Light? I didn't think it was part of the deal. I was horribly wrong, and it Will Not Be Forgotten.

I promise that someday soon, I will make you stop climbing up the length of my body to get to my shoulder. It's just that once you get started, if I try to pull you off, you get a look of Abject Terror.

Please stop climbing up us when we're trying to eat dinner. I know it smells good, but you've got your own stinky dinner right over there. Just because we eat on our butts in front of the TV doesn't mean that you can climb the mountains that are us to get to our shoulders. Do you think you'll intercept the fork? I doubt it. Have you looked at us? We Love Our Food. And crying isn't making us more sympathetic.

You're the sweetest thing in the world, and I love you to death. Now please stop confusing my eyelashes for toys.

I can't believe that you sleep the night through without a peep. Do you think that because the bedroom door is closed, we disappeared? Yes? Well.. of course you're correct. No use crying outside the door. You're right, it would be a waste. I totally wouldn't cave in and let you sleep with us when Daddy had fallen asleep.

Thank you for using the litter box, even without excessive prompting. You're a Tidy Cat.


Miss Wired said...

I want your kitten.

SJ said...

I make it a habit to never comment on posts about cats. That would encourage cat owners to post more about their cats. Then photos of the cats follow. In fact, this is not a comment. It's an anti-comment. It does not exist.

Anonymous said...

I heard some new noises today too:
1) After I was licking a table leg in the living room it tasted really good so I just took a teensy tiny bite out of it thinking no one would notice. That's when I heard the new noise. It was as if all the humans in my house sounded like different versions of air being let out of tire, each with their own pitch, duration and release rate. It was cool. The looks on their faces - not cool.

2) I was supposed to stay in the SUV when the side door opened but somehow misjudged the end of the seat and fell out right on my butt (ouch!) There was a different and new high pitched sound coming from the humans, not sure what it meant but it sounded cat-like (not the hissing cat-type of sounds though)

3) One of my humans was making a horrible new noise in the shower this morning (later found out it was supposed to me singing) Whew, was I relieved when I found that no one was hurt in there!

I've never had my tail run over yet but when I was a real little puppy I had one of my nails trimmed back a bit too far, so I think I know what that kind of pain feels like. You shouldn't feel bad about the rolly chair incident UNLESS it happens again. We dogs and cats will usually cut you some slack 'cause we have taken you into our pack - and that bond is stronger than anything in the world.
