Thursday, August 31


Last night, lord knows what time exactly:

S said:
sleep tight, and don't dream about cheeseburgers!

S said:
LOOOOOOOOOoooove you.

This morning, right before work:

R says:

S says:

R says:
last night

S says:
omg, i forgot we talked

R says:
your closing statement

R says:
'don't dream about cheeseburgers

S says:
you get very upset when you dream about cheeseburgers

R says:


R says:
damn it. i drunk spaced a boy last night:

You've told me you're not very good in the relationship scene. It hit me when Jeremiah gave you his phone number yesterday at the restaurant. If you and I were together in a relationship, i would constantly be jealous of the way other men look at you, and flirt with you. But in the end, if I know that I can hold you at the end of the night, the way I wanted to hold you yesterday, I am willing to give this a shot, if you are.

S says:

Sunny says:

R says:

S says:
Drunk spacing SUCKS