Friday, November 3

Reasonably Settled

Lisa and I went to Appleton today to window shop. Normally, I'm an impatient window-shopper - I'd rather go when I have both the money and an exact idea of what I want, so I don't have to spend much time wandering around the mall. Today was different; I was pretty content looking around, despite my lack of money to spend.

We ended up only spending money on one thing at the mall - some Gloria Jeans. Gotta love four-dollar coffee. At least, you'd better, if you're willing to spend the money. I was, and it was a damned good iced vanilla latte.

It was nice to spend some time with Lisa, just Lisa, for a change. She recently bought a house, and has been stewing about with worry over that for quite a while. It's put a completely understandable damper on her devil-may-care side. Turns out that when you're trying to close on a house, you're really not interested in gossiping about boys.

We didn't gossip much about boys, surprisingly enough. We talked more about our parents and worries we have about them, and about the things we want "next". I really want a house, and she's going to get married sometime soon. We were a little shocked at how few things we really wanted at the mall, until we got to a store called World Market. I guess that nowadays we're just more interested in home decor and fancy cooking utensils than we are in clothes. We spent some money on Christmas gift ideas at Hobby Lobby, and some pet toys at Petco. Lisa bought a book on Reflexology at Barnes and Noble. We talked about how much we both need nice bookmarks, and how much nicer they would be to use in place of the receipts we both have marking our places currently, and decided against spending the money.

It sounds crazy, but I think we're growing up. Finally.

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