Thursday, January 19

More Cowbell Buttons!

Hey, guess what? The Knitting Olympics are in full-swing, and we've got some lovely people online that are making buttons for the various teams. Apparently Jen and La have made buttons for several of the teams, and I thought I would join in on the fun. Not that their buttons aren't good enough, but who doesn't like having a whole bushel of buttons to choose from?!

I bet you can guess which button I'm going to put up...


HappyFunBall said...

Huh. Either there's something wrong with my computer, or something wonky going on with the pictures. I can't see it larger, or save it to my computer. And, since I can't see it well, does that baby have an electric blue goatee?

HappyFunBall said...

Oh, and I don't see the USA Elephant Diaper Knitting Team button ...

Sunny said...

Couldn't find a picture of a knitted elephant diaper. I'll be the first.

The baby is tiny to begin with, I believe it's pacifier, but whatever frosts your cake, HFB.

I'll see what I can do about the saving/sharing thing.

Jess said...

Hmmm...what team do I want to be a part of? I think the possibly something hideous team. It's only logical.

Jess said...

OMG. (I swore I would never use that abbreviation, but what the hell, it's a Saturday and I'm watching pretty woman and waiting for Thai food). I actually knitted a whole line of knitting the other night (hell yeah!), BUT then I was a dumbass and dropped my slip knot. The whole damn thing fell to pieces.

You know what, though? I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY. I get to start all over again. I LOVE KNITTING.

HappyFunBall said...

Well, my darling headless husband has fixed my saving problem, but that is NO pacifier, that's a beard, dude.

Sunny said...

I'd like to think mine won't be either, I was pretty much just using that for a joke.

I'll try to make you another button when I get the chance, one for Stuff Not to Wear or something. K?

I'm tagged, and I will get around to that sometime, hopefully.

Pacifier or beard, it's still freaking creepy, and that warms the cockles, don't it? I thought so.