Saturday, October 23

Birthday Party

Seeing as how I just quit smoking, changed my eating habits, and cut back on alcohol, this will be a little difficult. Oh, and my budget is aproximately $10. This should be trying. I loves me a good challenge, though.

We're going out to eat, and then going to the bar. I think I can pull off the "trying to be cheap" look, which is way more acceptable than the "counting calories" look. I'd hate to look like one of those girls.

Bah, I've disgusted myself by talking about it.


Byagi said...

Looks like we've got something in common tonight. I've got about the same budget for the birthday party I'm going to. They refuse to go to the bar where the drinks will be free (or close to it). It's up to the birthday girl, though.

Byagi said...

I had the same problem last night, as well. Sure makes it interesting trying not to look as broke as you really are.