Wednesday, June 23

Communicatively doesn't mean the same thing to me when i'm sober

rather, it reminds me of STD's and the like. completely disregard it in the previous post, please. i was having a box of wine. furthermore, i probably thought the vague reference to disease was amusing, which is no longer applicable. i should refrain from typing things that i know lisa would find amusing in here, as most (if not all) of the people reading this will most likely not get it. or, on the contrary, i should type them, as this is for my own private benefit, and whether people find it amusing or not is none of my concern. unfortunately (to that effect), there is at least one person reading this that i give a shit about the opinion of. damnit! (but please don't discontinue reading, lol)

i dreamed a strange dream involving an olympic sized swimming pool, in which the 'deep end' of the pool, at the side directly opposing myself and my allies, harbored some decidedly dubious-looking plants and objects. the dream consisted of me trying to re-capture the "key", which was NOT, in fact, a key at all, rather a yellow 'diamond' ring of video-game-proportions. i think i need to finish off the fifth season of buffy, maybe then i can dream something a little bit more sane. reflecting.. nope, probably not, remembering the bug dream.

3 messages, when i woke up this morning, on my obsessionous okcupid (is that really a word? if not, i so name thee.. WORD), all from people i really truly enjoy talking to, which is.. splendid ;). none of which were creepy in the slightest, one of which was from a scandinavian country, which i continue to find extremely intriguing.. though not to the point where i'm going to ask him what language he's been speaking since he was approximately 1.5 years old. those europeans, with their strange counters to all of our forms of specifications in life (dollars to euros, gallons to liters [THAT one, i understand ;)], pounds to kilos, feet to meters) make me really paranoid, in that last sentence, that they've come up with some posh alternative to 'years' which i haven't heard of yet, and therefore am inherently un-posh, having said that. also, don't they know that they're the ones who made all those things up? take some pride in your inventions, people. and now, the europeans are thinking, "Goddamnit, we're never living that peanutbutterandcottongin thing down".

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