Tuesday, June 22

Dreams on Nicotine

well, i had a few about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which isn't really all that rare.. i watch quite a bit of it, so it's not anything new to dream about killing demons. the interesting one comes just before i woke up:


I was staying at a cottage with a bunch of girls, it was a regular event, because we all had our designated rooms, and no one questioned where theirs was. i was in a room with my best friend, lisa, and some people i went to school with. A little while into the evening, i went to drop something off in the room, and when i got in there, the bed was INFESTED with spiders. But not your normal, unscary spiders, oh, no! These had bodies longer than my hand, and were sort of.. well, cuddly-looking. For some reason, i was terrified, and couldn't move. i must have shrieked or something, as a few of the girls piled in the room, my roommates. Lisa thought it was amusing (completely out of character for her, i'm sure she'd be screaming irl), Jenny started screaming and screaming (rather annoying, actually), and Kim was the only useful one.. found a box to put them in, you know, so we could show people, otherwise they'd never believe. But then, there was a noise. Like a weed-eater. And the big cuddly spiders were forgotten. On the floor, under the corner of the bed, was a little, lime-green, button-shaped bug. On either end, he had silver "legs", about 3 inches long, at the end of each was a tiny silver (sharp!) hook. The noise was the bug, spinning around in a circle, fast. I tried to smoosh it, beneath my shoe, and it just kept spinning. The bottom of my foot, through my shoe, got warm, it was spinning so fast. This was followed by a lot more screaming, a little more stomping, and eventually, he was still enough to try to scoop into the container, which i did. Then i woke up.

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