Tuesday, June 22


So i've always had a problem distinguishing between hunger and nic-fits. to be fair, this isn't really actually a nic-fit, it's more of an oral-fixation-fit.

when non-smokers ask me what it feels like to have a nic-fit, i always described them like.. "Being hungry, only.. more in the throat". i'm not sure how much sense that makes.right now, i think i'm actually hungry, because i haven't eaten yet today. but i don't want to go shoving all the available food into my mouth whenever i get the feeling like i might be nic-fitting/hungry.. as i can't seem to ever be able to tell the difference.

i've worked pretty damn hard on losing the weight i've lost, and i'm scared to gain it all back. i think i'd rather be a smoker than lose my progress. but at the same time, i'm sick of feeling like i depend on things. i think i'll make some food.

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