Monday, June 21

i'm going to quit

i've decided. i bought some patches for myself and played like it was a gift for dad on father's day. one of my friends told me that i wasn't allowed to use a guy's trick like that. i hadn't known it was a guy's trick, but it stands to reason that i'd be using one, if there was one. just how i am. but dad is pleased. his eyes lit up, when i showed him. that was nice to see. even though i'm not really doing it for him, so much as for myself and then reaping the benefits of him being happy with me.

everyone always mows their lawn on different days. every day, in the summer, when i wake up, there's a lawn-mower running. they cycle, so i can have memories of waking up in summer whenever i hear a lawn-mower. i think it's sweet of them.

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