Friday, July 30


i got to get down to some important business that i've been trying to do that forever, it seems like, and i'm so relieved.  i feel accomplished, to the extreme.  just good, and relaxed, because i was able to get it off my mind.  it'll be great, and it will be ok, because i was able to do that. 

god, i was thinking about this, what needed to get done, constantly - at work, when i couldn't do what needed to be done, even - and it frustrated me, to extreme. 

but that's all gone now, all i feel is the good again, that utter satisfaction that comes along with being able to do that which has been weighing down your thoughts with it's everpresence.  it's good, it's great, it's wonderful.  i feel like i need a nap, all the stress is gone. 

even if it's only temporary. 

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