Monday, July 5

i wonder if guys go through what i go through some mornings getting dressed.

first of all, my white shirt i wanted to wear has coffee on it from saturday, when the coffee pot overflowed, and no one had time to clean it up for 3 hours. probably i ran into it somehow, i tend to run into things like that. messy things. then the shirt i can actually wear is hanging up, and when i put it on, it's totally gapping. the buttons aren't even trying to stay together. i've got enough problems with pharmacists oogling me, so i was really really happy when mom came up with an ingenius idea. she stitched my shirt shut, just with 5 or 6 stitches, and now it doesn't flash everybody all the time. i love my mom. oh, i didn't even mention my pants yet, did i? you know, the ones with the broken latch? oh, well, i'm still wearing them. i have to, i have no other black pants. remember, i might be working full-time now, but i'm still on my lawn&garden wages for another 2 weeks. it sucks.

last night was fun, very fun. i saw farenheit 9/11, and it really really shook me up. i called someone right after that, and that cheered me up a lot. i shit you not. i guess all i needed was to hear a story about someone almost blowing up to put on a happy face again. thanks :). also, all that talking is making me nervous. there's a lot of stuff might happen, and i'm not sure how much i want to really think about that, i guess i'll let someone else do the planning. worried i'll disappoint, i think. scared of just plain.. lack of something. doubtful, but i've got to look at all the things that might happen.

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