Thursday, July 1


i think i want to be an everything technician. i want to be the girl-who-knows-how-to-pull-it-off. i want to be the indispensible one. it's been suggested to me a few times in the past 8 days, that i go to pharmacy school. i think i'd rather be that technician that pharmacists owe their sanity, and their success to.

i don't need the recognition of the masses, the money, or the title. those things mean really little to me. what i want is for a few select people to know that they'd be completely useless without me. because i know they would be. and i'd like for everyone else to know it, too.

but why stop at pharmacy? for ~$75 i can become a certified pharm tech. if i take a few courses more, i could be a vet tech, i'm guessing. there's dental tech, too, i think. ooh, and medical lab technician. i want to be a technician in everything. i like the feeling of knowing i know a lot of stuff about a lot of stuff. why narrow myself down?

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