Sunday, July 18

Old People

i really like them.  they're cranky sometimes, and bitter a lot, and lonely and sometimes i dont understand them, but they're great.  they've got a lot to say.  i don't really want to work in a nursing home or anything, but i wouldn't mind working with the old folks.  maybe what i'm doing now is ok. 
i went to a 50th wedding anniversary yesterday afternoon.  i saw a bunch of people i didnt' know i was related to, had a good time.  one of my cousin's fiance (the fiance de my cousin, it sounded odd the other way) glared at me, thought i was hitting on him.  oddly enough, she didnt stop glaring when she knew i was his cousin.  maybe that's just how she puts her face.
met one of my mom's cousins, danced with her.  her and i and a girl and some kids were the only people on this huge dancefloor, i probably looked ridiculous.  oh well, had a good time, and didn't fall over (that i recall), so it couldn't have been that bad.  what i mean is, at least i was wearing underwear, so if i DID fall over, i'm not taking after THAT cousin (yes, she DID go there).
went to the grocery store this morning and saw at least 5 old couples holding hands.  it was the sweetest thing ever.  i'm being bombarded by sweet old couples.


Byagi said...

Thats awfully sweet...except for the underwearless cousin thing....

Sunny said...

yeah, you'd have to meet her. she's the one from missouri.

Byagi said...

For some reason, I'm not surprised.