Saturday, July 3


reasons i'm really happy that it's today, and that i'm well-rested:

1) i'm looking forward to a phone call. one with promises behind it. i'm looking forward to other things, too, and really wondering where i'm going to not only find a girl with black hair and green eyes, but befriend her in a (hopefully) short amount of time. there are many girls here, and many who like guys (to put it nicely), and i'm sure that no one would be at any loss to find one worthy. perhaps someone's too picky? no, you're right, you can't be too picky.
2) lisa is having her birthday outing tonight, and i'm so excited that i can't even think straight about what i want to wear. it's not like it matters, really, because in a few hours i'm going to be lucky if i'm maintaining any sort of grace. excited to have a reason for going out. excited to see the people that only come home (or go out) for the big weekends of summer. looking forward to seeing people i don't get to see all the time. and to dancing. i don't do it often, i don't think i look good when i do it, and i love it, in spite of that.
3) after i write this, i'm going to go get something to eat. Woo Hoo!

guess it's not as many things as i thought. if you have to know, i actually made up the third one, because my list was a little threadbare. luckily, i'm sure you couldn't tell. fucking happy, though. i'm in a good mood. Best Week Ever.

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