Thursday, July 1

Here is what i was going to post, when i woke up this morning:

i fell asleep on the phone last night. not because i passed out, but because someone else passed out, and i was listening to him be passed out when i should probably have hung up the phone, instead. i fell asleep, and woke up a very short time later, listened for another minute, and realized that i'd pass out again if i did that, and hung up my end of the conversation. there are little things that that implies, at least to me, and i want everyone to take into effect the things i've already discussed when they read that. also, i want them to know that i'm excited, but not in a pressure way.. never in that way. i wish i could say for sure that the person on the phone last night won't be offended when he found out i eavesdropped on his passing out, but time will tell.

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