Wednesday, August 25

Baseball and Sex

Both topics (together) remind me of a story. Not that story, you perv! The other one, the one about a conversation I had with a friend, a few years ago.

We were sitting around our coffee shop (we being the grind-flies, which reminds me of another story, but let's just stick to one-at-a-time, shall we?), and discussing our friend Harry's sex life. Or lack thereof, which is what led to this exchange (paraphrased, it was years ago, people!):

Harry: blah blah blah, not getting any.. blah blah blah.

Someone Not Me Nor Harry: Oh, man, I was beginning to suspect you played for the other team!

Harry: Naw, dude.. I'm not a switch-hitter.

Me: Actually, when you think about it.. He's been sitting on the bench for quite a while.

Well, sheesh. I didn't say it was comedic gold, or anything. Harry thought it was pretty funny.

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