Saturday, August 14

for later: sam and weight
motivation and myself

for now: we're going to green bay, just as soon as mom gets back from doing laundry. robby comes home with mountains of it, and she's figured out that it all goes much faster if she just takes it to the 'mat, and does it all, all at once. beats tying up our machines all freaking weekend long.

i need new jeans.

tell lisa that mom wishes she was working today, because melissa sucks. lisa will love hearing it.

drunk dialing is evil. teach robby that lesson, before he learns it the hard way. 16 drunken phone calls last night. he just counted. poor robby. more importantly: poor robby's friends.

i hope you had a good talk with my mom. i hope you understood her. she was wasted. comes when you drink soco from the bottle. she finished off half the bottle. wait, i think robby was taking shots, too. i quit, though.. right? i think i did.

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