Thursday, August 12

Customers I Love

DJ: the asshole whom i was nice to, who has cancer and gets cranky because he's going to die soon.. he might get cranky, but i know he's not cranky at me, he's cranky at life, and his hand. he was dealt something short of what he's worth, and that's what makes him bitter. plus, he always has a smile for me, of some sorts. i like him, he's the first really cranky customer who told me why, and actually had a good reason.

Betty: she's on radiation, and she's tired all the time. i understand, just because i took the time to talk to her, why she's so tired, and she likes me, because i did something so small as to listen, the last time she came in. hang in there, betty!

Tevelen Lady: she was cranky with the other girls.. but then, when she saw me, she brightened, and told me i deserved a raise.. i told her to take it up with management. she said she definately would. i love her because i know she's cranky by nature, but on the same token.. she likes me because she believes that i'm doing my very very best.

DDAVP: because no matter how pissy he is with anyone else, i only have to get on the phone, and he'll do whatever i say. because he responds to my sympathetic technique, and because he appreciates that i remember him, always. that's something - people who actually appreciate what most people take for granted are rare, and they deserve for me to treat them specially.

Mrs. B: because she can guide me through register procedures.. because she knows them so well that she's learned them herself. because she isn't upset, when we need guidance. because she knows she's there a lot, and makes fun of herself for it. because she looks like she'll be one of the crabby ones, but she isn't. because she's unexpected.

Altace: because i screwed up, and she knew i screwed up, and she knew as well that i fucked her over, and made her wait a few extra minutes.. when it shouldn't have taken that long. because she didn't let on that she knew. because she let herself be taken by my small-talk while her prescription was being filled today. because she knew it would pass the time. because she let me help the time pass.

Cora: because even though she yells at the rest of us, she calls Mary her "angel". because Mary deserves it. because the rest of us fuck up occasionally (usually at least once with her drugs), but she realizes Mary doesn't have anything to do with it. because i love Mary, and anyone who makes Mary feel good is OK in my book. even if she's continuously pissed off at me.

most importantly, i love the people who i can make smile. i love the people who can't help but smile back at me, when i'm in the middle of something, and can't stop to help them, so i smile at them. i love them for the unconscious smile they give me, in return. i love that i can make people happy by smiling at them, and most of all, i love that sometimes, even the grumpiest of them all have to smile back, because it's a reflex for them. it helps me to realize that they're human. i almost love the ones who don't mean to smile back a little more.. because when i catch them catching themselves, and smile more, they almost always smile more in return. that's wonderful, and it gives me a reason to go back on monday.

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