Wednesday, August 4


Here's a list of things that might possibly happen, for the weekend. Feel free to Yay or Nay, please, I want things to go well, and for everyone to have as much fun as possible. Also feel free to Yay or Nay the whole idea of an itinerary, some people would get pissed at too much planning. I have a feeling I'm overthinking this whole thing, but it's part of what I do. By thinking too much about it, it makes me feel calmer. I have a feeling you know that already, but I also know that you know that I have to apologise anyways. Anyway, (deep breath), here's what i've got so far for Friday (maybe it'd be easier for you to just comment where you live, lol.. i seem to want your thoughts on every single point):

  1. Not stress too much at work.
  2. Make my favorite food ever.
  3. Busy self with making food and getting ready/looking fabulous, so as to not think too much about the time, or how long it's going to be/countdown. Remember that countdown doesn't help anything, but makes me nervous and anxious. Also remember that anxious = bad.
  4. Have someone try the casserole, and have ready a recipe, for if it's considered as good as I think it is, for someone to give to Sr.
  5. Go up north, visit mom briefly (as it's my birthday, and she feels bad if she doesn't see me on my birthday). Also, might be the only way to see her this weekend, she'll probably stay up there the whole time.
  6. Make our way up to the perfect place. Swim (bring suit!), look at the lake, share it with people (maybe bring lisa?.. maybe not - let me know your thoughts).
  7. Make our way back, stop at Schoolhouse (that's the hoodie i prize ;). i love that place). Sometime between now and then, research the statute of limitations on drinking and driving, on the off chance someone gets in trouble.
  8. Go out for birthday in town, here. See the different places i haunt, hopefully meet some people I know. Would rather just run into them, than invite them out. This isn't about stress, or forced-compatibility, this is about flow. We're going with it. (again, your thoughts?)
  9. Hotel.


  1. (Haven't decided what to do until ~5pm, any suggestions? Oooh, maybe go to appleton to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch.)
  2. My best friend Grady's band is playing. He told me that he doesn't expect anyone to be there, because it costs too much for anyone to actually show up. When prodded, "too much"=$10 dollars to get in, and $5 to park. It's sad that he thinks that none of his friends would be willing to pay less than $15 dollars to see his band play, so I sort of really want to go. Can we squeeze this in around dinner? Please let me know. I haven't seen Grady's band ( in a few years, so it would please me greatly (added bonus is probably understood without mention).
  3. Dinner (though not baked fish thing, for previously explained reasons).
  4. Races, around 10, because you seemed to think they'd be so amusing :).
  5. Go out again? We'll have to decide on this later.

I've got nothing but:

  1. Stay in bed as long as possible.

for Sunday. Open to suggestions, though.

1 comment:

Byagi said...

Looks like you gave this a lot of thought. It's nice that you came up with a plan - I'll give you my comments on everything you wrote. Try not to stress. I'm trying hard not to as well.

1. I agree.
2. Sounds like a great idea. It's the way to do it, especially since it's your birthday.
3. You wont have to do anything in order to look fabulous. It comes naturally. Dont be anxious, it will be great.
4. Yum Yum
5. Sounds good to me. I've never been more north than Iowa (if that), so I am open to anything.
6. I really want to go there. I feel like I need to see it. If you want to bring Lisa, feel free. You're the birthday girl, you can do anything you want. :)
7. That sounds great to me. Also, I did the research (surprise) and Wisconsin’s legal limit is .08. Thats like one drink for you and two for me if you go by the graph I found. If we weren't regular drinkers, I might just believe that.
8. I really like the flow idea. It's better than planning it out. Sometimes, it's just more fun to see what happens and who you meet than it is to head out with a set plan in mind.
9. Agreed.


1. Sounds good. I have made no plans. You are why I'm coming up, so other than that, I'm not too picky. I would like to see Appleton because I've never been there. I'm sure we can venture out and find things to do.
2. Sounds good to me. I like their site and wouldn't mind seeing them. I'm always up for a live show. (you don't have to mention a thing)
3. No baked fish. They have a wide variety of things, it seems.
4. Sure, if nothing else runs over, It's fine with me. Again, I think we should just see what happens.
5. Yep.


1. Sounds like a good plan to me.